Sunday, February 9, 2020

RavenzCraft Arts Interview with Vvildr

RavenzCraft Arts Interview Project presents 

Interview with Vvildr

Hello and welcome to the RavenzCraft Arts interview project!
For those of us who are not familiar with your work,  please tell us your name about where you are from, and how your interest in art and music began? 

Hi. I am Ferenc/Vvildr, I live in Hungary,..
I was born in Transylvania and have a Székely heritage. I don’t really remember how or when it began, I was just the kid who could draw (slightly better than my classmates). At my teens I listened to all sorts of metal music, mostly scandinavian metal.

I bought a guitar, but I didn’t have any talent (I am left-handed but I play on a standard right-handed guitar) so I gave it up for a decade. I got an electric guitar in 2011 just to record a few ideas on my computer, I planned nothing more. I released 6 albums since then under different monikers. The most known of them is probably Vvilderness, It’s an atmospheric metal project influenced by black metal, folk music and post-rock. 

So we have seen your album cover artwork online for Black Hill and other album cover projects and it is absolutely amazing. When did you first start creating illustrations and custom album artwork? 

It was obvious that I should draw the covers for my albums. During the process I developed a trademark drawing style that is a mixture of ink drawing and digital painting.
I met István Csarnogurszky (Black Hill) in 2013, probably he was the first person who gave me a commission.

We first discovered your artwork and music from your collaboration and work with István, how did you first meet and connect with him? 

I put out my first record in 2013 (it was a quite poorly produced one) and István wrote me a few weeks after that. He intended to release the first EP of his ambient post-rock project Musicformessier, so he had a few questions.
We talked about music and how we see things and we talked a lot. He’s one of my best friends since then. We never met in person.

You also have a new collaboration  project with István/Stvannyr, "Realm of Wolves".
Can you tell us more about the "Realm of Wolves" project, i really like this album, every track is very good, can you tell us more about the expression and meaning of this album? 

István made only ambient, acoustic and post-rocky things before, but he’s famous of being eager to collaborate with other musicians. He showed me his black metal guitar recordings he made years before that were not meant to be released, but as I started my metal project Vvilderness and people received it pretty well despite my screaming vocals, we decided to elaborate some songs of István/Stvannyr together.
We decided to use these „black metal artist names” too because why not.

Also we got to know Ghöul, a brilliant bassist and multi-instrumentalist who really leveled up the band. By the way he is shamelessly young compared to us and even more talented.
He has his own one-man-band too, it’s called Ephilexia.

So the song structures, mood and atmosphere are entirely the creation of these two people, I wrote the lyrics, recorded vocals and made artworks.
It was a project only for fun so we were kind of surprised when we saw how many people actually loved it.

Do you have any artists, musicians or bands you looked up to and were inspired by when you were really young? 

As a teen I was in love with the first 4 albums of In Flames, really liked their super melodic approach, folky vibes and acoustic inserts. Also I learned to appreciate extreme vocals listening to their music. Later I listened to classic black metal, mostly the melodic kind like Emperor or Dissection, only for the instruments.
I couldn’t stand traditional BM imagery and lyrics though.

What artists or music do you follow and enjoy today?

John Baizley of Baroness is some kind of idol to me. He’s a frontman of a very versatile and endearing band and he’s also a top notch artist. All their cover arts he made are beautiful.
Speaking of music, I really like Myrkur and Saor, these two are relatively new. Also I listen to a lot of instrumental post-rock and post-metal. We Lost The Sea, Tides From Nebula, Explosions In The Sky to name a few. I follow a lot of visual artists but on Instagram only.

I noticed one of your past latest single release is called Danu’s Tears. Is this related to the celtic goddess Danu? 

Yes and no. The lyrics were about an all-river-goddess first, whom I made up. There are a lot of rivers in eastern Europe named Don, Donec, Danube etc. This is a very ancient river name, thousands of years old (river names change very slowly in history). So I made Danu a river goddess, although the original irish goddess with the name had different qualities.

Can you explain more about your path and spiritually and following and how it plays a part in your music?  

I am not a religious person, but I like how one can tell his thoughts through the allegory of mythological events and deities. Also I deeply appreciate the european cultural heritage, I think it’s much more human than the great religions nowadays.

If I look at it really serious, the only religion that makes sense to me is sun worship. The heat and light of the sun created the conditions early life needed and it’s still maintaining it but also it could destroy us in a second. There is something beautiful in this fragile dynamic equilibrium of our pale blue spot.
This is as close to science as a religion can be, and it’s beautiful.

We know you have just been working on the Realm of Wolves project, but can you tell us if there is any more plans for new albums or singles in the future? 

Glad you asked. All songs for a second Realm of Wolves album are already written by Stvannyr, currently we’re working on it with Ghöul. I think it’s a matter of just a few months.
Also the second album of Vvilderness comes in january 2020, it is a more elaborated successor of Devour The Sun with surprising new elements and I am very proud of it.

9. What inspires you and gives you ideas to create? Do you have any interests that inspire your work like mythology, history, or folklore or nature that plays into your expression with your music and artwork?  

I watched every series made by Sir David Attenborough when I was a kid. I was really concerned at the time about mankind destroying environment and I thought that nobody really gave a damn, so the future seemed dark.

Nowadays this climate change thing is everywhere, some progress at last but it’s far from enough and future seems even darker to me. So nature is the main inspiration, obviously.
Ancient mythologies were very close to nature and folklore evolves when you have a lifestyle that adapts to the change of seasons and natural resources.

There is no room for tales when you focus on consumerism and growth, and that’s horrible. Lyrics or musical themes inspired by myths and traditions will be always an important way to express myself.

10. Would you be  interested or open to creating or collaborating with other artists or musicians in the future? For example a special single track or music video project with another artist relating to your genre and style? 

Not just a single, but I’m already working on a new project that is atmospheric, dark and has only clean female vocals. I’m seeking a vocalist right now...

11. So all in all what do you like best about being a artist/musician? Is it the ability to reach and inspire others with your music and art? The power of expression? Tell us what you enjoy most? 

Those rare times when you get the flow and a good artwork or a great song is about to shape, almost independently from you, that’s an uplifting experience. I struggle a lot with these things, but it’s worth it. Reaching people, no, I don’t think that was a factor.

I don’t want to deliver messages or educate people. Of course there’s some kind of message in my lyrics but not the lecturing kind. Inspiring others, yes, indeed, that is an awesome thing.
I get a lot of feedback from people I don’t know personally but they keep an eye on everything I do, so this is a responsibility too. I mustn’t make something scratchy and trivial, I have to give my best instead.

12. What are your goals with the future of your career in music and art?  Where would you like to see yourself in a few years? 

How much potential is there in this thing, that I don’t know yet. Maybe 3 or 4 albums? When I notice that I am tired of something, I explore new fields. For example, I set up a screen printing workshop last year, now I’m about to learn it by trial and error. 

13. Well all i can say is that im thankful for all the new technology and social media for showing us and connecting us with your amazing artwork and music.
Any closing statements or anything you would like to say to all the fans and followers and supporters of your art and music? 

Thank you RavenzCraft Arts, keep on finding and supporting independent artists!
And thank you all for all the support and constant feedback throughout the years. It means a lot to me and I can’t say it often enough. You’re awesome.

Thank you for saying that..we do work hard on these projects and appreciate your time and willingness to share a bit about your personal life and experiences..

We just want to say thank you for talking with us, and creating such amazing music and art,
  interviews like this help to learn more about unique artists like yourself and it inspires others to pursue and create as Stvannyr, and Ephilexia are doing some awesome work! 

Thank you for all you do! 

Follow, Support and hear more music from Vvilderness and all of his collaborative projects at these links below

Follow Stvannyr here

Follow Ephilexia here

Special thank you to Vvildr and his amazing music!
Stay tuned support and subscribe for more updates on new projects and interviews on Youtube at 

Stay tuned for our special video talk interview series coming soon in 2020! 

Special thank you to all the fans and followers out there we appreciate you all!

-Tim Raven Rotar 
-RavenzCraft Arts